Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away

We have received record breaking amounts of rain in June and as we begin July the rain continues. This is in direct contrast to the end of July and early August of 2012 when we had record long drought and heat. Each of these weather challenges affects the way we manage the golf course. Below is a list of items describing the effects the wet weather is having on the golf course.

-Disease pressure may be our greatest concern right now. Wet, humid and hot conditions are a breeding ground for the fungus that can attack turfgrass. What makes it even more of a challenge is that the fungicides needed to combat these diseases can not be sprayed in the rain or be watered in before they dry on the plants.

Here is a picture of Brown Patch on #12 fairway.

Greens are not as a concern since they receive our top priority when applying fungicides. However due to the amount of fairways and the length of time it takes to apply products to the fairways they do not receive the same level of protection as the greens.

Roughs are actually our area of greatest concern. Here is some Dollar Spot in the rough on #12.

Economically it is not always feasible to spray the rough with fungicides. Since they are behind greens, tees and fairways on the priority list of fungicide applications they often times receive the needed sprays last. The good news is that a natural selection process will occur over time and the more tolerant grass species will survive.

-Saturated soils are prone to traffic and wear issues.

-We cannot keep up with our desired frequency of mowing because we will cause damage to the turf with our equipment.

-Weeds such as sedges that thrive in moist conditions are more prevalent.

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